Creating a MathML content

On 28 novembre 2007 by dom

There are various ways to generate MathML contents. Various solutions are possible according to the way you want to input the Maths.

Visual Maths editors

It is possible to use a visual editor. It is necessary to choose an editor which allows to export the expressions as MathML:

  • MathType (Design Sciences). It can be used as a standalone application or as a plugin of Microsoft Word. Ms Windows and Mac versions are available.
  • OpenOffice. The Math editor of OpenOffice allows to produce MathML. Just select the formula and you’ll find a « export » in the contextual menu.


For LaTeX users, various software are able to convert LaTeX document containing Mathematical expressions to XML: tralics (developed at INRIA) and text4ht.

Another software, itex2mml, allows to process webpages designed with ‘tex-like’ code for formulas, into xhtml pages containing MathML. It is very convenient and there exist plugins for the major blog engines: itex2mml for ecto, itex2mml for MoveableType, itex2mml for WordPress.

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